9 Month Old Baby Food Menu.

9 month old baby food menu, is a must have guide; which you can heavily rely on. Particularly when you want your baby to eat well and stay healthy.

Nine month old toddler best foods.

Baby eating watermelon ; 9 month old baby food menu.
baby eating watermelon.

Your baby at this age is very eager ,complex and adventurous . They will not think twice when it comes to trying the different types of food items listed on your menu. As they are geared to explore the different flavors and food textures that you have to offer. However, your baby will still need milk especially breast milk and if not formula. Because their body still needs calories from milk.

Your toddler menu must have a variety of foods like;


Cooked noodles.

Soft breads.



Vegetables like ,pureed carrots , cauliflower, broccoli and other various leafy greens.

Non citrus fruits like apples, pears, mango, papaya, bananas, peaches, berries such as blueberries, cranberries, or dates, figs, melons and cherries.





Egg yolks.



Lean meat.



With these types of foods you can create a healthy and delicious menu for your nine month old baby.

Sample menu for your 9 month old baby.

Advantages of having a 9 month old baby food menu at home.

MorningFeed your baby with some breast milk or Formula milk of your baby’s choice.

Prepare your baby some cereal mix with mashed ripe banana and add a pinch of cinnamon (adding banana is optional).
BreakfastToast or muffin fingers with scrambled egg and slices of tomato.

Roasted spaghetti squash; shredded chicken; roasted purple sweet potatoes⁠.

Unsweetened porridge or lower-sugar cereal mixed with whole milk and topped with fruit, such as mashed ripe pear or banana.

Sweet potato and apple. You can steam or bake sweet potatoes and apples for a sweet-tasting baby food combination.

LunchFeed your baby with some breast milk or Formula milk of your baby’s choice.

Unsweetened applesauce and shredded or cubed cheese.

Soft cooked whole grain pasta with olive oil and parmesan cheese.

Lamb curry with rice.

Scrambled egg with toast, chapatti or pitta bread served with vegetable finger foods.
Feed your baby with some breast milk or Formula milk of your baby’s choice.
Fresh fruits, such as apple you can cook them softly or even serve uncooked, banana, peaches and grapes are an option too.
DinnerFinally for dinner serve some; Minced chicken and vegetable casserole with mashed potato.

Fish poached in milk with potato, broccoli and carrot.
Feed your baby with some breast milk or Formula milk of your baby’s choice.
9 month old baby food menu table.

Advantages of having a 9 month old baby food menu at home.

self feeding baby;9 month old baby food menu.
self feeding baby;9 month old baby food menu.

Like every concerned mother out there .I am always looking out for the benefits of what I get and do for my baby. I’m sure you have the same interests when it comes to this one. However, having your own baby food menu for your 9 month old toddler will benefit your baby in a number of ways :

First, one thing that I love the most is that your baby gets to eat less of processed food. Second, food prepared at home is highly nutritious and very fresh and tasty too. Furthermore, you get to save a number pennies when you prepare your own baby food at home. Third, your baby gets to enjoy a variety of food stuffs.

Forth, having your own menu for your baby helps you realize and pinpoint ; the types of foods that your baby favors the most and the ones that he or she does not like to eat. In addition, you can easily and quickly point out the types of foods that your baby is allergic to, and quickly adjust your meal plan for your baby to stay healthy. Also, having a menu helps you to prepare your baby meals on time. Hence, you do not have to overthink but just go according to plan ; baby menus help you manage your time properly. Such that you are left with plenty of time to do other things.

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