Baby food 8 months; Organic foods for babies, are the best to introduce to your just weaned baby’s diet. The fact that these quick organic food for babies are highly nutritious means organic foods most certainly gives the baby’s body all it requires to be healthy. Consequently, organic foods support the babies healthy growth and development into childhood.
Therefore we will start by introducing quick baby puree, quick organic food for babies since their nutritional content is high. Switching to a healthy diet can have a profound effect on children’s health. Most noteworthy purees are not far from the liquid form of breast milk which your baby is used to. For that reason, it will be a good start, quick and very friendly for the baby’s digestive system.
Baby food 8 months ; organic avocado and milk puree.

- 1 Avocado
- ¼ cup of milk
- ¼ tsp of natural honey
- Knife
- Chopping board
- Baby measuring cup
- Baby bowl
- Spoon
- Peel avocado, slice and put into a baby bowl.
- Mash avocado until it is smooth.
- Add ¼ cup of milk to the mashed avocado and mix well.
- Mix ¼ teaspoon of natural honey.
- Serve the little boss.
In contrast, this quick super meal is very good for your baby since it includes organic ingredients such as pure honey and avocado.
Nutritional content.
Avocado in Baby food 8 months

Avocado contains fatty acids, omega 3, beta carotene fibre, vitamin C, E, K vitamin B-6, riboflavin, niacin, magnesium, potassium. The fruit is also great for the child’s vision and aids digestion.
Pure honey
Baby food 8 months

Pure honey is very rich in nutrients and is a quick organic food for babies. As it contains carbohydrates (fructose and glucose). However honey has minerals (calcium, magnesium and potassium).With traces of 60 calories per tablespoon and trace enzymes. Amino acids, antioxidants, B vitamins (riboflavin, pantothenic acid, niacin, thiamine and pyridoxine.
Organic apple banana puree in Baby food 8 months

- 1 Apple
- 1 banana
- 1/4 cup of water
- Peeler/knife
- Chopping board
- Small pot
- Blender
- Serving bowl
- Peel apple and banana.
- Cut it into small pieces.
- Pour 1/4cup of water into a pot and bring to boil.
- Add apple cubes into water huh steam for 8 minutes.
- Check if the apple has gone soft.
- Remove pot and drain the water if there is any left.
- Blend apple banana until fine.
- Check for clumps as they might cause choking to the baby.
- serve while still warm.
Nutritional content

Apples have a high fibre content, vitamin C vitamin B, vitamin-6 which is also called pyridoxine. It helps form red blood cells and maintain brain function. Chemical reactions in the body.
Baby food 8 months

Bananas contain some fibre and protein. They are also rich in vitamin B6 and B12, as well as magnesium and potassium.
Reusable easy and quick squeeze storage packs.|Baby Food 8 Months And Above.
If there are any leftovers, I would advise you to store your quick organic food for babies food away for later use, because babies around this age normally eat very little amounts of food. So having it stored away for later use is an option, so as to avoid wasting food and going off-budget.

Rather using re-usable easy and quick squeeze storage packs are a smart option, especially if you are a working or a busy mother. Nevertheless, you can always make four to five quick time-saving purees at once and store your quick organic food for babies in baby food storage boxes.
I always find this very convenient if I want to go to church or visit friends and relatives.You must try it too it makes life a whole lot more easier.
First quick solid meal for the day; Baby Food 8 Months And Above.
Sweet potato with coconut oil.

- 1 Sweet potato
- 2 tbsp coconut oil.
- 1 tbsp butter
- pinch of salt
- 1 cup of water
- Pot
- knife
- Chopping board
- masher
- Mixing bowl
- Pour water into a pot.
- Take the sweet potato, put into the pot and bring to boil until cooked.
- Peel sweet potato and cut into small pieces.
- Mash potato until smooth.
- Add coconut oil into potato mixture and mix well.
- Sprinkle a pinch of salt to taste and mix it thoroughly(.this step is optional.)
- Let it set for at least 30minuetes and serve.
Nutritional content.|Baby Food 8 Months And Above.
Sweet potatoes.

The sweet potato is a dicotyledonous plant, it is starchy, sweet-tasting. its young leaves and shoots are sometimes eaten as greens. They come in different sizes and also in two colours namely white and yellow on the inside. From the outside, sweet potatoes are sometimes red some are white.
These tubers are nutritious and are high in fibre, vitamin C, potassium, pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), niacin (vitamin B3), vitamin B6, manganese, magnesium, and copper.
Coconut oil.

Coconut oil has high saturated fat content, calories and protein.
Butter in Baby food 8 months

Butter is a good source of vitamin B 12, D, E, A .it is a powerful antioxidant.
In the process of introducing different kinds of quick organic food for babies and helping to develop your baby’s skills. You might also need to consider, having a baby health kit with you in your house.
Organic baby oatmeal with dried fruit.

- 6 apricots
- 6 prunes
- ¼ cup of oats
- 1 cup of water
- Pinch of salt
- 1 tbsp butter
- Pot
- Cup
- Grinder
- Mixing bowl
- Spoon
- Serving bowl
- Wash your ingredients in clean water.
- Boil one cup of water.
- Grind apricots and prunes.
- Mix oats with apricots and prunes mixture.
- Pour in hot water and add a pinch of salt to taste.
- Add 1tbsp of butter and stir
- Leave to stand for 30 minutes.
- NB; You can use a heatproof mug to keep the heat in the baby’s food.
- Serve in a baby bowl.
Nutritional content
Apricots in Baby food 8 months

Apricots are an excellent and good source of vitamin C, copper and dietary fibre. They come in three different colours namely red, orange and yellow colours. Apricots contain vitamin A (in the form of pro-vitamin A carotenoids), and potassium.
Prunes in Baby food 8 months

When I was young, I used to love eating prunes but I had no idea what they were all I loved doing wasjust eating them.
It is only until I grew older when I learnt that prunes are dried plums.This was so with me because my mother would just buy prunes as dry as they are. Prunes contain more vitamin K than plums and have higher B vitamins and minerals.whereas , prunes are higher in calories, fibre than in fresh plums.
Oats in Baby food 8 months

Oats have a well-balanced nutritional composition. They contain calories, carbohydrates, protein, fat and fibre.
What a baby eats and drinks during the weaning stage is the baby’s main source of nourishment. Experts recommend that babies are fed a variety of healthy foods and beverages so as to provide important nutrients, which a baby needs for growth and development.
Give these easy and quick organic food for babies recipes a try, because they are easy and short to make. I find them quite interesting and fun to prepare always. I hope that they come in handy to your baby’s menu.