15 month old development red flags are noted when your child is now able to walk fairly well. Sometimes, a little wobbly from twelve months of age up to 15 months.
What to expect from a 15 month old developing toddler.

At 15 months your baby will begin to try and run around picking things after you; or simply trying to help you rearrange your wardrobe. However, these little guys begin to become very good at copying. They copy the things they see around them as well as imitating you as you talk. Be it on the phone ,when taking to people in the family and of course the way you eat and how you drink .
All these are habits that your 15 month old toddler will adopt.15 month old babies will tend to throw tantrums as well . Particularly if they realize that they can’t get what they want ; or you simply won’t allow them to have what they want. Mini individual playtime becomes a favourite thing as it allows your baby to explore her inhabitant; I have realized that my 13 month old toddler has learnt how to play by herself.
What does developmental red flag mean?

15 month old development red flags
Developmental red flag refers to a child’s failure to reach speech and language milestones as expected. In other words, meaning; given that your baby is experiencing this phase, he or she will have difficulties in speech and language development , because they are just slow or time is not yet up. Therefore, it is not a problem if your child does not reach the schedule of developmental milestones on time. As toddlers develop according to their own schedules.
15 month old development red flags.
List of child developmental red flags.
- Unclear speech .
- Consistent drooling.
- Frequent falling .
- Inability to build a tower of more than 4 blocks.
- The child is not able to walk alone without support.
- Child not trying to walk at all.
- Does not search for the things he or she sees you hiding.
- Has difficulty with stairs.
- Inability to copy a circle.
- Difficulties in manipulating small objects.
- Can not sit without support.
- Does not respond to his or her name when called out .
- Has trouble saying words .
- Shows little or no interest in toys.
- Child does not point at things.
- Is reluctant to wave hands or nod head.
- Toddler does not understand simple commands like “ No” and “Yes”.
What are the 5 stages of child development?
Cognitive development: Is the way in which toddlers grow to think, explore and figure things out. It is the development of dispositions, knowledge, problem solving and skills which help children to think about and understand the world around them.
Social and emotional development: Social emotional development according to wikipedia is a gradual, integrative process through which children acquire the capacity to understand, experience, express, and manage emotions and to develop meaningful relationships with others.
Fine motor skill development: Is the coordination of small muscles, in movements usually involving the synchronisation of hands and fingers with the eyes. Fine motor skills assist in the growth of intelligence and develop continuously throughout the stages of human development.
Speech and language development: Speech and language are the skills that your baby develops at a tender age of about 6 months old . Consequently , when they are beginning their early process of life outside the womb . However , as a parent you can try and boost these communication skills ; by talking to your baby more often ,reading and playing rhymes for your baby .
Gross motor skills:

What are gross motor skills ?.
These are the abilities usually acquired by your baby in his or her early stages of life from around twelve months to as early as twenty- four months. These involve the use of arm muscles , legs and torso. In addition to this, gross motor activities are important to your child’s growth and development. Above all, facilitates everyday physical activities ; like throwing, walking, kicking, running, lifting and climbing up the stairs.
Help your baby develop.

These skills are built upon by your baby slowly ,bit by bit; throughout their early childhood. Firstly, having your child play in the outdoors with you ; will help them to improve on gross motor skills. Secondly, play different games with your baby; especially those that require a lot of body movements because they to encourage body gestures .
However, since gross motor skills develop in a head-to-toe order . As a result, playtime should be a good enhancer. Thirdly, your child will typically learn head control, trunk stability, and then standing up. Finally, you will realize that your baby will begin to walk without any need for support from you or any objects.