Baby activity table ; One month old baby activity table undoubtedly, are a good experience for your baby and you. As they assist in your baby’s growth and development. That helps them experience the world around them. However, this is just the beginning; as your baby is yet to experience a lot of new milestones. As they grow older day by day.
Fun activities for your 1 month old baby.
Seeing your 1 month old baby ,smile and respond to your actions brings a good feeling to you as the parent. Admittedly, these moments are golden, so making the best out of them is wise. As your will be 1 month old once ,so cherish them. However, you can get your baby a baby activity table. In order to try out these fun activities with your baby will make your time worthwhile. Not only ,will these activities encourage your baby to learn and play but also contribute to your baby developing new skills.
Bicycle rides;1 month old baby activity.
Gently lay your baby on a baby activity table . Then gently pedaling your baby’s legs Like as if you pedaling a bicycle; makes your baby smile. And also helps massage your baby’s tummy to facilitate bowel movement.

You will be surprised that your 1 month old baby is already ,ready for some playtime with you. However, introducing toys to your little one will be a good step. Getting your baby toys to play with will intriguing for them.As they will help them learn about different sounds ,object textures and will also discover their hand and finger co-ordination. Which are all important developmental milestones. As they will be moving their hands and legs around a lot too. In addition, you need to buy toys such as rattles, rubber dolls, tethers and bracelets. Last but not least you can also get a range of rubber bath toys ; as they are also important at this stage.
Music; baby activity table

Studies show that , dancing with your 1 month old baby and singing can help them greatly when they are developing. 1 month old baby activity like music time helps you pick out what your baby likes and dislikes. Additionally, playing the music that your baby likes will help them to calm down . Particularly when they begin to be fussy. As this helps them fall asleep peacefully.
Mirror; in 1 month old baby activity.

Generally to mirrors are truly fascinating. They don’t only just drive babies crazy ,but adults as well. To be very honest everybody has their own crazy mirror moments everyday. However ,these intelligent inventions; help babies understand facial recognition. And learn how their bodies move and how they are structured as well. Frequently, hold your baby on a baby activity table , in front of the mirror, so that they can start to understand their faces as much as they now know other people’s around the house. Point in the mirror telling them that you are mommy and they are the baby.
In the same vein, you can also do it with a bit of facial expressions that will fascinate or excite the baby. You will realize that your baby will begin to try and copy what you where doing . Or try to grab the baby in the mirror , or even bite. Seeing themselves in the mirror will start a process in their little brains that will help them understand facial expressions.

Expose your baby to different types of textures to improve their sense of touch. Let your baby go barefooted and help them stand on different textured surfaces . Be it on the bed , floor or carpet allow them to enjoy the different sensations. Because, this helps in baby mental development.
1 month old baby activity on a baby activity table
Babies are born with all five senses and they will be fully operational .Thus The sense of:

Your baby will be born with a sense of vision , but as your baby is still young. His or her vision will be a little blurry, but able to see your face and other close up objects ; particularly those in black and white. In addition, this happens because, the muscles that control eye movement . Will not yet be fully developed. But will fully develop as your baby grows older.
Hearing;1 month old baby activity .

Your baby’s sense of hearing will also develop with time. However your baby at this point ,can hear your voice since he or she is already familiar with it from their time in the womb.

Surprisingly, your baby’s sense of taste is among the senses that come fully developed. It amazes me that at this stage they can taste the difference between bitter and sweet. Especially, when it comes to breast milk or formula.

Just like the sense of taste , your baby is also born with a strong sense of smell. However ,it is so intriguing how your baby can identify you; just by sensing your smell. They can ,also smell milk on you .
Touch; 1 month old baby activity.

The sense of touch amongst others is the most developed at birth. Through touch, your baby learns the softness and flows of your face and of his or her father’s face. It is that sense that alerts them that they have now reached for the milk and must press harder for a good milk pump.