Dreamland Baby Sleep Sack ; Why won’t my toddler sleep through the night ; In actual fact, it can be that your baby isn’t getting the right amount of sleep. Because both too much and too little daytime sleep can cause problems for you at night.
Reasons why your toddler won’t sleep through the night.

Most babies when they reach toddler stage . Their bedtime routine changes because of the developmental advances they will be going through . As they grow up in their new environments. However, learning new things and developing different kinds of skills everyday . These little people will go through the night without sleeping because;

Time needed: 3 days
- Firstly;
Because their sleep schedule has changed, mostly due to reasons like them being overtired, teething and probably, new found .
- Secondly;
The reason why toddlers won’t sleep through the night ; can be due to certain medical conditions. Such as obstructive sleep respiratory infections and ear infections.
- Thirdly;
Overtiredness also causes your baby to have difficulties in sleeping through the night.
- Forth;
Changing places can also affect the baby’s sleep routine as well as bring a change to their behavioral and normal day to day activities.
- Fifth;
Too much light in your toddlers room, can affect his or her sleep pattern. As it confuses the baby into thinking it is still daytime ,and playtime is on. Moreover, if babies are left to play through hours . They will just do that, so not tucking your baby to bed and letting them know that it is sleep time will only cause late night sleep routine. Which you don’t want to entertain. Most importantly, your toddler will go for hours into the night awake playing or fussing if you do not assist them to fall .
- Furthermore;
Not having a bedtime routine will also affect your baby . However, If they do not have enough sleep during the day, young kids may have trouble falling asleep at night.
How to get my baby to sleep through the night :
Dreamland Baby Sleep Sack

Getting your toddler to sleep through the night is one amongst the many great achievement for a parent. However, if you want to achieve this goal you must;
Design a sleep schedule for little one to get used to for a good night routine.
Create a calm environment for your baby as this helps them to fall asleep peacefully without any disturbances. Help out your baby by getting them a dreamland baby sleep sack.
Thirdly;Dreamland Baby Sleep Sack
Have your baby’s room lights deemed, in order to reduce the amount of light. Also totally switching them off when it is now time to sleep. In order to shut down ideas of playing that might want to arise in your little ones brains.
Alongside the daily sleeping routine, always try and tuck your baby in bed in a dreamland baby sleep sack. This will make them know that it is now sleep time . And if your baby gets a night mare be sure to reassure them and get them back to bed as quickly as possible. Because the longer they stay up the more difficult it will be for them to fall back asleep.
Finally ; dreamland baby sleep sack.
Having a good feeding schedule is also a good idea, for it allows you to limit anytime snacking or unnecessary food and drink requests when it is now time to sleep. Above all , please note that babies are very clever as they can make you do all sorts of stuff while being fussy just for them to avoid sleep time.