Infant activities for daycare are simple baby play games that assist in baby development. Such as language, skills , sensory exploration among many. Daycare activities are also fun for infants as they help drain all the energy from your little one. So that at the end of the day they sleep on time and throughout the night.
Types of infant activities for daycare.

This game is greatly loved by babies. It brings a smile or giggles every time you play it with your loving baby . However, when playing peekaboo, you cover your face and pretend like you can’t see the baby . Then in an instant, you remove your hands from your face shouting peekaboo.
Rhyme time:Infant activities for daycare

In infant activities for daycare. Understanding of language in babies begins way before their expressive language; hence using as many opportunities as possible to drench them in language would be a clever idea. Sing songs with real or made-up words that rhyme, like “thump, thump, thump, bump, bump, bump, jump, jump, jump.” You might feel a little silly, but all that rhyming is another way to boost your baby’s language development.

Gather different colored puzzles , of different shapes and sizes for your little one. And guide your baby through the game so that they know how to play it. And when they begin to imitate clap and cheer for them . In addition, babies love to be encouraged ,as it makes them want to keep on . This game however , helps your baby further develop their ; problem solving, fine motor and visual skills.

In Infant activities for daycare. This game in particular helps your baby understand the cause and effect, it also helps them to further develop their motor skills. When staking you get plastic measuring cups. Then you turn the cups upside down. Knocking them down then they fall down. When you have done this try doing it with your baby until he or she makes sense of the idea behind the game.

As a matter of fact , reading , to your baby promotes parent- child interaction. It also assists in proper brain development and makes the baby a whole lot more creative. For this to be more exciting , you need to get a board or a picture book . As I would prefer books. When you have these read the book out loud and clearly to your baby so that they can get the words properly. Also point out the pictures in the storybook to your baby as you read so that they can familiarize with the words and connect to the story well. I mentioned earlier on that reading promotes parent- child interaction, because as you read to your baby you need to change your voice for every character making funny facial expressions . In order to make your baby laugh, smile and act surprised.
Communication:Infant activities for daycare

Infant activities for daycare. Communication, with your baby is very important, not only for parent-child interaction but also for the baby to develop speech, and to assist them in communicating what they want. Did you know when you talk babies at most can understand you. So consistently, if you focus on talking to your baby, it would help them learn a great deal about language and communication. Even before they are old enough , to understand the meaning of most of the words you say. The most important thing is you have planted that word in them; and eventually they will figure out what it means as they grow up.
Talk to your baby anytime and anywhere.

On the whole ,talking to your baby must be done all the time anywhere you are. Same applies when in a day care ,while you usher your little ones into day activities. Talk to them often, build conversations into all your childcare routines. To encourage them to communicate and to be able to express themselves when they need to. Even during a bath ,while changing their diapers; while doing their hair ,while taking a walk or settling them for a nap.